Date: April 2016-November 2016
Roles: Level Designer, Environment Artist
Tools: Hammer World Editor, Source Engine
Holcan was an attempted remake of Underpass, my Capture the Flag map from a year before. It features the same flag-door mechanics that Underpass, but improved to require the attacking team to hold the flag for a short amount of time before opening the doors. This mechanical change was the best part of the map, and was later backported to Underpass.

The changes I made to the layout in converting the map to a jungle theme were disastrous. Making extensive use of custom assets, most of my focus was on creating believeable buildings, ruins, and caves rather than focusing on the gameplay. The result was a map that looked great, but played horribly. Regardless, I am still proud of much of the detail work I did on this map. It was quickly abandoned in favor of continuing work on the original version of Underpass.
In case you are curious, I've included some comparisons between Underpass and Holcan below.

The alley on Underpass

The alley on Holcan

Mid on Underpass